Education Resources & Activities

NCIL staff and our partners have developed a number of education activities and resources for classroom teachers and museum educators. They include stand-alone curricular supplements, educational websites (e.g., Giant Worlds, Space Weather Center), education videos on a variety of science topics, and resources for scientists interested in developing effective education programs. Explore and Discover!

Education Websites (Games, Activities and Science Background)

SciGames.Org (educational games)

MarsQuest Online (planetary science)

Space Weather Center (Sun-Earth connections)

Alien Earths (astrobiology)

Giant Worlds (planetary science)

Killer Asteroids (planetary and earth science)

Resources for Educators

The Alien Earths, Giant Worlds, and Great Balls of Fire exhibit websites have a number of resources for educators including Science Background slides, E-Guided tours, and various types of games and classroom activities.

Astrobiology (Alien Earths)

Planetary Science (Giant Worlds)

Comets and Asteroids (Great Balls of Fire!)

Sun-Earth Connections (Space Weather Center)

General Resources (SSI Resources for Educators)

Education Resources for STEM Professionals

A web-based collection of resources for STEM professionals to support their education and public outreach efforts.

Family Guides & Placemats (Sun, Mars)

The Guides are an innovative collection of puzzles, pictures, poetry, and projects designed to stimulate enjoyable co-learning experiences between kids aged 6-12 and the caring adults in their lives.

A Family Guide to the Sun

Sun Placemat

Sun Placemat (Spanish)

A Family Guide to Mars

Mars Placemat